Life Data
biodiversity data
lithographic ink
Chinese ink
squid ink
2017 - 2018
I make these different stages congruent within a single image.
biodiversity data
In this series the "man-machine" round trips are highlighted.
Finally, this work is an extension of a work on the landscape co-produced by nature & human culture. The use of digital technologies when making these drawings is reminiscent of their omnipresence in our processes of scientific analysis, analysis and processing and storage of data.
cuttlefish ink drawing on Vellum d'Arches paper 200/100 cm
The drawing reveals dendritic growths and fractal shapes (cabbage or brain) which constitute a coral reef. The drawing uses the visual codes of the data graph, with an abscissa / ordinate construction. The plots evoke the growth strata of polyps, and the symbiosis present in coral reefs between multiple species.
A "noise" or a disappearance of the layers at the top and at the bottom of the drawing is visible. The noise in the data highlights the disturbance in the environment. The disappearance of the strata echoes the disappearance of the biotope. Each species is an assembly of differentiated characteristics, the disappearance of species also constitutes a loss of knowledge.
Coral Growth: A Fractal Growth
Indian ink drawing on arches vellum paper 1/1
Indian ink drawing made with a 2D 10/10 plotter
The drawing was first done with a stylus, in India ink.
I then vectorized it and sent it to a 2d plotter to which I inserted a brush. The machine carries out the drawing, there remains during the drawing a random variable: that of the flexibility of the brush, during the movements which are caused to it by the machine.
The number of drawings made with a plotter is limited to 10 prints.
Coral reef: ENGRAVING
woodcut, 80 / 50cm laser engraving on wood 15/15
The drawing was first done with a brush, in squid ink. I then vectorized it and sent it to a laser. The machine carries out the drawing on wood. The engraving is then carried out under a linocut press from the beginning of the 20 th century.
The number of prints is limited to 15 prints.
Coral - Rosetta Stone: scientific writings
woodcut, 90/50 cm, laser engraving on wood
This engraving is a triptych which recalls the three writings present on the Rosetta Stone.
Numerous data collection companies around biodiversity are carried out. The drawing evokes a coral reef and its bleaching, the higher one goes up on the axis of the ORDERS the more the data is disturbed and nonlinear . This drawing recalls the phenomenon of corals bleaching when they die. In addition, a "data visualization" type writing which recalls digital writing (binary) and evolves towards a more stylized writing evoking older and cuneiform typographies. This engraving questions our ability to collect (data - samples) and preserve them through digital media or even seed banks. The question of the transmission of knowledge through a language is linked to the capacity of a civilization to translate this language.
Lung reef:
Indian ink drawing made with a 2D 10/10 plotter
graphite drawing on Canson paper 42/29,7 cm 1/1
The drawing was first done with a stylus, in India ink.
I then vectorized it and sent it to a 2d plotter to which I inserted a brush.
The number of drawings made with a plotter is limited to 10 prints.
The coral brain:
Indian ink drawing made with a 2D 1/10 plotter
graphite drawing on Canson paper 42/29,7 cm 1/1
The drawing was first done with a stylus, in India ink.
I then vectorized it and sent it to a 2d plotter to which I inserted a brush.
The number of drawings made with a plotter is limited to 10 prints.