Harmfull algal bloom // Efflorescence
Exhibition DEAR 2050 – Climanosco – Zurich, December 2021 – January 2022 / February 2022 - March 2022
Project, concepts & works under Copyright
Ocean acidification has reached an unprecedented level, these biochemical changes have impacts on ecosystems and on climate change. The proliferation of toxic algae during episodes of "bloom" or "efflorescence" depends on acidity, pollutants (nitrates, phosphates, etc.), exposure to light, temperature, salinity … These months of March and April 2021 massive bloom episodes are taking place in Chile and California.
In Chile the purple water causes the death of millions of animals by hypoxia, while in California the red tide produces bio-luminescent waves at night. These phenomena are caused by variables such as water warming, upwelling (rising of sediments to the surface), currents, nitrogen discharges (nitrate, ammonia, nitrogen) linked to human activities. In 2021, it is the La Niña phenomenon which causes the upwelling phenomenon which allows the emergence of these blooms of dizzying dimensions.
These courts excerpts from video work show stimulation of the bloom in the laboratory by different types of waves and the generation of effects and geometric light shapes.
New works will be presented soon.
These videos are made thanks to the research laboratory of ecophysiologist and biologist Hélène Hegaret, a specialist in toxic algae blooms.