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Pauline Hégaret was born in 1987  en  France

I started a professional artistic career at the age of 18. Passionate about science and nature, I also studied anthropology and political science in France and Brazil.
I am very interested in media arts. I lead projects at the crossroads of arts and social sciences and create devices questioning our relationship to changes through the prism of anthropology. I also conduct an aesthetic and scientific research around erosion (of coastlines, materials, biodiversity), the formation of clouds and anthropogenic clouds and study their impacts since 2012. These researches are concretized during residencies, in sound performances and installations, internet applications, pastiche video games or paintings and video tours.

Today, I am a visual artist and designer, and I also have a state diploma in architecture.


I created a company in the field of marine biotechnologies based in Brest.

This project is housed at ENSTA Brest, the national navy engineering school.


2014 Obtained master's degree in sociology and political science University Paris 9 Dauphine

2012 Obtained master 2 research in anthropology Nice Sophia Antipolis University

2011 Obtained an architect's diploma from the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Bretagne

2009 Scenography training at ENSATT Lyon

Artistic and scientific teachings:

2021-2024  Workshop supervision at the University of Western Brittany ISBlue The interdisciplinary graduate school  for the blue planet, training in scientific mediation and video documentary for doctoral & masters students

2023 Supervision of a Design and Sound Ecology studio applied to biomimicry at the Master's in Biomimicry at the Institute D. Higher Institute of Design of Saint-Malo

2020 Teaching of sociology applied to design & sociology of space at L'Institut D. Higher Institute of Design of Saint-Malo

2021 Product design workshop for the Quartiers d'été social program

2021 Writing/sound recording/video workshop in production with the CLPS, foreign public in FLE training

Artistic projects :
Exhibitions & artistic events:



Selection of the MIXOTROPHIA project as part of the support scheme for young visual artists run by Brittany's regional cultural directorate 
This project is part of an approach to art and science that the artist initiated with the CNRS and the Institut Universitaire Européen de la Mer (IUEM) in Brest-Plouzané.


April 2023 start of collaboration with le HABIS project with the Lemar laboratory, CNRS, European University Institute of the Sea, arts & sciences project, design 2023-2027

June 2023residence at the Semaphore of the Pointe du Grouin, Cancale in partnership with theManoli museum

June 20, 2023 collective sound performance at the Pointe du Grouin semaphore

Sept-Nov 2023 exhibition at the Manoli Museum, Dinard"The Clouds"

autumn 2023 beginning of the residency and action research with the collective "Les Sillons du Possible" composed of researchers and artists around geomorphological uses and changes, project led by the municipality of Pleubian.



27 September 2022 Inauguration urban sculpture"Reef", sponsor Bouygues Immobilier.

August 20/31, 2022 Exhibition"Lighting Narratives"Hourglass Bird Gallery, Tréguier

12FEBRUARY/March 12, 2022 ExhibitionSolar BloomAt KAMMGARN WEST SCHAFFHAUSEN, Swiss

February 18 to March 27 Exhibition of volumes and opening of the art & design showroom in Cancale

January 31 - February 15, 2022  Exhibition of ethnographic films co-directed with Séverine Walter forEmbruns Documentsalong a video and sound trail in Saint-Malo

December 12/Jan 30, 2022  Zurich, art film exhibitionSolar Bloom  Dear 2050, Oceans on the rise, 14 – 17 Uhr, Kunst(Zeug)Haus Rapperswil. 


December 12/Jan 30, 2022  Zurich, art film exhibitionSolar Bloom  Dear 2050, Oceans on the rise, 14 – 17 Uhr, Kunst(Zeug)Haus Rapperswil. 

October 30 inauguration of a 6m50 sculpture on the port of Saint-Malo, commissioned by the company Edéis 

02-30 october exhibitionCenote v3, Cape Town, Plérin/Saint-Brieuc contemporary art center

October 11-15: supervision of a video workshop at theIS-blue University Interdisciplinary graduate school for the blue planet

August 16-20 design & design installation for the Découverte district, Saint-Malo 

June 17 Phytoplankton conference/workshop with Plancton-Innovation Institut Solacroup Dinard - School of the Sea & Exploration

31 May-09 June residence Le Cap, Plérin. Ethnographic and sound research residency for the Cénote v3 project

May 25 to 27: video workshop supervision at theIS-blue University Interdisciplinary graduate school for the blue planet

January 18 to 30 artistic residency Erosion: moving sculptures at La Générale, Paris

04 to 10 January artistic residency works in Digital Arts atthe image that speaks, Paimpol



December 2020

workshop & video recording at the environmental and marine sciences laboratoryON TUEin Brest

on the topic of toxic microalgae

October 2020

Scenography of Turn Youth#3 

Saint-Malo Media Library Exhibition

September 2020:Cenote 

September 19 & 20 exhibition of a sound and immersive installation during the contemporary art festival

from COEF 180 in Saint-Malo

August 2020

August 21, 2020: performance evening show in Saint Malo entitledDream Cube

Programming "A summer of discovery" Saint-Malo

4 hours of performance, painting, installation and video projection 

June 2020

Presentation of the land art and design research project TETRAPOD 

June 2020

Installation of furniture & urban design produced and designed for the port of heritage interest of Bréhec 

Project for the esplanade ofBeautiful shoreline

May 8, 2020 Launch ofArcane Game  digital art project 

May 12, 2020 Virtual exhibition - Digital arts - Zone Blanche#2

Creation and design of the Arcane Game virtual exhibition with Marie Horn and Caroline Ruffault

March 12, 2020

Personal exhibition of works produced during the current artistic residency

COEF 180, 12 way of lovers Saint-Malo, White Zone


December: shooting & directing feature documentary, northern Patagonia, Chile FAN: a video voice approach

(FAN florescimiento de algas nocivas) Realization feature documentary, northern Patagonia, Chile - project
film anthropology in progress (pause due to COVID)

August: Production of props & set for the film Another World Hunger, director J. Malbrel


June 14: Intervention/conference during the symposium Presentation arts & sciences application project YADUSMOG 

GARDEN THE WATER SKY SYMPOSIUM - arts & science chair Polytechnique 

Paris - international city of the arts - Paris 4, auditorium 

June 12: Workshop at SIRTA: climate research center at the Polytechnic Institute of Paris

May 17: Performance CE QUI EST ET QUI N'EST PLUS in Rennes Sound system performance of the act of painting

with sensors & musical improvisation: project What is and who is no longer 2018-2020 with collections

May 15: Reinstallation of the sound listening installation at Pors Rand - Pleubian

April 15 to May 1, 2019: Exhibition of paintings - Come(s)table in Saint-Briac-sur-Mer Presbytère 

April 15/30:  Installation of furniture designed for street furniture designed & produced for the project  port of interest

heritage of Bréhec

March: launch of the web application & digital art projectYADUSMOG 

2018/2005 - Some exhibitions and artistic projects:

2018 Sound performance What is and who is no longer with Malade(s) musique
2018 Permanent sound installation on the coast for the Sound Discovery Center
2018 Personal exhibition Château de Kerninon Lannion / Abbey of Léhon Dinan / Abbey of Saint-Jacut de la Mer 

2018 Solo exhibition Poetry Festival "La swell des mots" / Exhibition at the Saint-Briac sur Mer Art Center
2016 -2017 Collective exhibitions Autumn Salon, Grand Palais Champs Elysées, Paris
2005-2016 Exhibition at the Sillage Gallery in Paimpol

2020 Exhibition at the New Gallery of Saint-Quai-Portrieux

Arts - stage - sound design - spatialization - residencies  :

Sound research & Spatialization:

Sonification of the tetrapod   2020

Cenote project - emotion & music 2020

Sound performance of the act of painting with sensors & musical improvisation:

Project What is and who is no longer 2018-2019 with in situ sound collections 

2018 Sound installation 2018:  Sound listening device on the coast & micro architecture


Realization of product & graphic design parts for individuals & public order

Research residences:

Short residency at The Talking Image, January 2021

Short residency at La Générale, January 2021

Short residency at La Jungle, Le Rheu, 2018 with Patient (s): Goupile and Tanguy M.

Painting research residency, theme "erosion" & restoration of terraces & biodiversity Association

Essential, Cévennes Natural Park in 2016  

Theater / cinema scenography  - Museography:

Turn youth! museography of the 2020 exhibition

December 2019: shooting & production of short documentary EthnoHAB, north Patagonia, Chile 

August 2019: creation of props & set help for the film Another World Hunger

Props: Shakespeare's Cymbeline directed by Bernard Sobel in LYON in 2011

Props & decor painter: Cymbeline by Shakespeare directed by Bernard Sobel in LYON in 2011

La Troade de Garnier directed by Christian Schiaretti 2010

Price :

“Learning Landscapes” project with the Cloud Museum : winner of the DRAC “Connected Cultures” call for projects 2021-2023

Laureate of the aid for scenic creation from the City of Rennes 2018 for the INTERFACE [S] project

Finalist Jacques Rougerie international architectural competition with NOM-A 2015


Works for various agencies in France and Brazil

Architectural consultant & concept designer for the Ooreka website

Medias : 
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